Contact Us:
Calgary Radiant Heat provides maintenance for residential boilers in Calgary and surrounding areas. Residential boiler repairs include boilers such as Viessmann, NTI, IBC, Weil McLain, Lochinvar and many more.

Phone: 403-697-2116
Questions from our customers:
Q-1: What credentials do you need to test a cross connection control device for the city of Calgary?
A-1: Anyone can go through a 1 week training class and be provided with the certification to test back flow devices or cross connection control devices. There is no pre-requisite.
Q-2: What credentials do you need to install and repair a cross connection control device for the city of Calgary?
A-2: You require a plumbing and gas certification or a Journeyman plumbing certification within this jurisdiction. This is a minimum of a 4 year training program to achieve this certification.
Q-3: Why do you require a plumbing certificate?
A-3: Companies and individuals installing back flow devices and/or cross connection control devices require much more training than a 1 week course can offer. The reason for these devices is to have the right back flow device for the cross connection situation in your home. Knowing what type of device is required to be installed for an irrigation back flow device requires the installer to know what type of hazard this cross connection imposes. They need to understand the full function of what irrigation is, how it is connected, etc. The training received to achieve your Journeyman Plumbing certificate covers all this information. As irrigation is not the only cross contamination that occurs in a household. There are many other such as outside garden hose connections, boiler water feed, water softeners, etc.
Q-4: Does it cost more to have a Journeyman plumber test our cross connection control device?
A-4: No.
Q-5: What benefit do I have to have a Journeyman plumber test our cross connection control device?
A-5: You get the benefit of having a knowledgeable plumber at your home who will not only test your cross connection control device, however also can see other items within your mechanical room that may or may not require maintenance.